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Question I am in such of an inline ionizer (1/4" fittings) (4-5 cfm) corona discharge ionizer with a minimum corona current of 3 micro amps. Balanced to provide equal amounts of positive and negative ion - Anonymous
Answer I am not aware of a unit that meets your requirements. Our compressed air units might be one source, having an Air Usage of 3.5 CFM @ 30 PSI and higher flows at greater pressures. These units cannot be used continuously, as that would degrade the emitter pin prematurely, but can be used intermittently with an optical or foot switch. We have no data on the corona current, but there is sufficient balanced ion flux generation to decay 5000 volts to < 500 in less than 1 second from 6 inches of the source emitter. You’d need to make custom modifications to the air nozzle to accommodate 1/4" fittings.
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