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Question When using a painted metal cart having insulative wheels and a drag chain to ground, what is the recommended practice for removing ESDS components? If the components are kept inside the original packaging i.e.: tape and reel, tube or tray, can the components be damaged due to ESD when removed from the carts? - Anonymous, Chino, CA
Answer Assuming that if the carts are metal and painted with ESD paint and the floor is ESD conductive then the only concern would be the handling of the components by an ungrounded (charged) operator as not all packaging mentioned is known to be ESD safe. Especially if the operator is removing components from the manufacturer’s packaging, these packages, if ESD dissipative, should be placed on a grounded dissipative work mat before opening them. Also request that your supplier put ESD sensitive items into shielding bags so that when they are to be handled and transported, they will be protected when away from an ESD Safe work station.
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