19270-COMBO TESTER X3 19270-COMBO TESTER X3 19270-COMBO TESTER X3              

19270 - Combo Tester X3 with Dual Foot Plate

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Qty: 1 $1304.79
Qty: 1 $1435.27

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3 In Stock.

5 Available on 2025-06-27

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Sold Per: EA

Gross Weight2: 4.00 kg

2The weight listed is gross product weight including standard packaging, actual shipment weight may vary.


Country Of Origin: USA

Tariff No: 90303370


  • Tests operator’s path-to-ground; wrist strap limits 750 kilohms to 10 megohms, footwear limits 750 kilohms to 35 megohms1
    Determines that operator’s personnel grounding devices (wrist straps2, foot grounders, ESD shoes, smocks3) are functioning correctly.
  • Simultaneous testing of wrist strap and footwear in less than 3 seconds
    Reduces time spent testing personnel grounding devices used in ESD control plans
  • Solid-state test switch with no moving parts
    Maintains accuracy of tests and extends the lifetime of the tester
  • Split foot plate for testing foot grounders (or ESD shoes)
    Tests both foot grounders independently at the same time
  • 30 volt test signal
    Provides accurate tests that are not humidity dependent
  • Relay for use with automatic doors or other locking systems
    Controls access to ESD protected areas
  • Optional stand
    See Desco 19271 Combo Tester X3 with Stand
  • Compatibility with ESD Glove Test Fixture
    Pair with the EMIT 50755 ESD Glove Test Fixture to allow operators to perform tests while wearing gloves or finger cots
  • Calibration verification
    Use the EMIT 50424 Limit Comparator to check the test limits of the Combo Tester X3 without removing it from the workplace
  • NIST Calibrated – Original Calibration Certificate can be Downloaded Here
    Calibrated with accepted procedures and standards traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. For more information on the calibration of Desco Europe products, see Calibration.
  • 100-240 VAC power adapter with interchangeable plugs
    Works with standard electrical systems in North America, United Kingdom, Japan, Asia and Europe
  • Made in the United States of America

  1. Default test limits listed. Additional test settings are noted in the technical bulletin.
  2. The Combo Tester X3 can verify both single-wire and dual-wire wrist straps.
  3. The Combo Tester X3 will also test a Groundable Static Control Garment System. The Groundable Static Control Garment System must have an RTG of < 3.5 x 107 ohms to meet the required limit of ANSI/ESD S20.20-2007 tested per ANSI/ESD STM2.1 and ESD TR53.
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  • TB-3080.E - Combo Tester X3 - Installation, Operation and Maintenance

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