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Question For loaded epoxy floor, with ESD shoes we can measure different acquisitions voltage value. What kind of shoes do you recommend for primary protection by shoes, infactory where Class 0 components are used? What is the material of the sole? -Anonymous, Valence, France
Answer Epoxy floors tend to give inconsistent electrical resistance readings. One way to solve this is to apply an ESD Floor Finish over the epoxy floor such as our Statproof® Floor Finish system. This will provide consistent and reasonable RTG readings on your floor that comply to ESD S7.1. According to ANSI/ESD-S20.20-1999, there is a new system standard for Flooring – Footwear Systems, where you can comply to either standard: ESD STM 97.1 < 35x106 ohms, or ESD STM 97.2, < 100 Volts, Depending on your floors RTG, you may need shoes that are 1x106 ohms or less to comply to ESD STM 97.1. There are many manufacturers of Static Control (ESD) Shoes you can choose from, Lehigh Shoes is one suggestion, there may be others more convenient to your area. The material of the shoe’s sole may be a composite of rubber and conductive materials such as carbon or high-tech fillers. In general, Static Shoes tend to read at the high end of the resistance spectrum (~ 1x109 ohms), so you need to be careful with your choices to ensure a lower reading unit (< 1x106 ohms).
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