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Question Could wrapping racked electronic communications equipment in 'static cling wrap' cause component damage? - Anonymous, Pocatello, ID
Answer You may have a real concern with this type of packaging. The corresponding electric field generated and/or left on the wrapping can induce sufficient electric fields (well over 10 kilovolts) to charge the rack and or the electronic communications equipment and their I/Os within the wrapped rack. To quantify this concern, use a field meter that will measure the electric field on the inside of the ‘static cling wrap’ material and rack/equipment. You may need to re-evaluate this type of packaging or have some procedure made to handle the charged rack with ESD control precautions when unwrapped. It is also possible for ESD problems to occur from components within the rack that move and contact each other during shipment/storage because of the exposure to the large electric fields of the wrapping.
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