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Question Our application would need minimal protection since it is not any sort of circuitry etc. We would just like to minimize any introduction of unnecessary static during shipment. Thus are any of your "highest quality" films adequate or tailored to my needs? Any suggestions in a bag style or item number?-Anonymous
Answer Thanks for your continued interest with Desco Industries. Yes, for this application, you'd be best served with our Statfree® Ultra Clear ESD Barrier Bags, making it easy to identify the contents and minimizing the introduction of unnecessary static during shipment. There are seven standard bag sizes and two style bags (one with a zipper and one without). If you will be heat sealing your bags, then chose the style without the zipper, otherwise the zipper makes it easy to seal the contents during transport. Info from our website is readily available and easy to use. Should you have any other questions, don't hesitate to contact us with them.
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