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Question We process many of our assemblies on Bliss racks and Innovativeracks (grounded with drag chains and conductive wheels) inside our ESDProtected Areas. I am looking for a way to eliminate the extra handlingsteps and increased cycle time involved with transporting assemblies fromone EPA in facility "A" to another EPA in facility "B" by truck inconductive static shielding bags or in conductive static shielding toteswith covers. I want to be able to just ship them on the racks and not haveto take them off the racks and put the into the totes or bags.I am looking for a way to create a Faraday cage around these racks.I have the idea that a conductive material draped over the top of the rack,similar to a bird cage cover, and closed around the bottom or attached tothe frame of the cart will work. However, I do not want to re-invent thewheel. I am sure someone must have faced this situation before and come upwith a solution. Any feedback you can give would be greatly appreciated. Anonymous, Angleton, TX
Answer We do manufacture two standard cart covers and could customer manufacture covers for your particular application. Control electrostatic discharge while protecting cart contents from contamination and moisture. Covers leave no black carbon residue and clean easily with mild soap and water Flame retardant Resist the growth of bacteria, fungus, and mildew
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