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Question We have certain employees that feel wearing ESD shoes is putting them at risk of electrocution. Employees only work conductive flooring at workstations where our furnace control boards are handled. All other task are performed on rubber fatigue matting. Our maintenance personnel do not wear ESD footwear as they work with High Voltage. Are the other employees at risk?? - Martha Purvis, Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada
Answer They may be depending on where they are working (or traveling) relative to electrical power. The safety of the employee comes before anything else. If while wearing the standard ESD shoes the employee comes into contact with electrical power greater the 250 VAC throughout the course of the day, then they may be at risk of electrical shock. Check with your Safety Officer as to whether a workstation or other work area may have exposed or easily accessible live power greater than 250 VAC to further qualify this answer.
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