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The ESD Association (ESDA) has a new parent Standard that was designed to replace the MIL-STD-1686 and the ANSI/EIA-625 documents. Both agencies are looking to adopt the ANSI/ESD-S20.20 document as a replacement for their documents. This may be completed (adopted) by the end of this year if everything goes well.
The ESDA’s standard for floors is the ANSI/ESD-S7.1. This standard and the ANSI/ESD S20.20 recommends that the floor be less than 1x109 ohms tested with a megohmeter at 100 VDC and at 3 feet separation of ESD S4.1 electrodes (5 lb).
EOS/ESD Standards: ESD Association 7902 Turnin Road, STE 4 Rome, NY 13440-2069 Phone 315-339-6937 Fax 315-339-6793; EIA Standards: Electronic Industries Association 2500 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA 22201-3834 Phone 703-907-7500 Fax 703-907-7501