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Question Where can i find information about the efects of the ESD in the health of the people? -Jorge Rivera Bilboa La Vieja, San Jose, Costa Rica
Answer I am not sure what you mean by ESD and the health of people.

At a previous employment over a decade ago, I had briefly studied the topic of EM radiation on biological tissue. At that time there was no hard scientific evidence to support that varying electric or magnetic fields was detrimental to a living organism.

Today, MRI (magnetic resonant imaging) systems are commonly employed in the medical field for use in mapping the internal structure of humans.

In my opinion, varying magnetic or electric fields would have the biggest impact on a living organism that required the use of firing neurons to help sustain normal life, but the field strength necessary to cause concern would not easily be found in the work place, let alone Tesla’s old workshop.So, low level static electric fields would pose even a lower risk to living organisms than their varying counterparts.

You might want to check current publications on this subject. Also, there are a myriad of other concerns within a building that may cause headaches, such as formaldehyde used in construction of pressed wood furniture and other materials making up the structure or substructure of the building that can lead to a “sick building syndrome”. Check with your building safety officer for more information.

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