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Question When out in the field working on PC's, it was brought to my attention that wearing a wrist strap while working on a machine will disperse static electricity even when the machine is sitting on top of a cardboard box and not plugged into an outlet. Is this true? - Anonymous, Pewaukee, WI
Answer Yes, connecting your body to a large piece of metal or other fairly large conductor will typically disperse your static charge imbalance, so you'll both be at the same potential. In some cases, you may want to do this to isolate the electrical power from your working space. We would still recommend to ground this machine (with electrical power off and disconnected) with a separate ground cord with common ground point connection so as to ensure proper electrical connection to between the machine and the body, and keeping a consistent zero volt working potential that can be adhered to by other parts, people, etc. coming into the work space.
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