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Question I have a few questions about grounding ESD carpet. 1. What is the best way to connect ESD carpet tiles to earth ground? 2. What is the acceptable surface-surface resistance range for ESD carpet tiles? 3. What is the acceptable surface-ground resistance range for ESD carpet tiles to earth ground and where should the measurement be taken (at which points)? - Anonymous, Milwaukee, WI
Answer ESD Carpet should be treated as any other ESD floor covering and comply to the Resistive Characterization of Floor Materials Standard, ANSI/ESD-S7.1. ANSI/ESD-S7.1 states that the resistance range for floors should be under 1x109 ohms when measured with a megohmeter with two 5 lb electrodes separated by 3 feet with a potential difference at 100V. This is a surface to surface reading or RTT (resistance from point-to-point [top-to-top]). The RTG reading should be at or lower than the RTT reading. To connect ESD Carpet to ground, you should follow the manufacturer's installation recommendations which may vary from manufacturer.
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