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Question I would like to know property of Ceramic material on static charges. I understand that is a good insulator, but if it were to develop static charge, then what are the preventive measures. Thanks. - Anonymous, Singapore
Answer As you noted, ceramic is a good insulator. Applying ESD control to an insulator involves one of either step, (1) control (2) removal. Since an insulator cannot be controlled by grounding techniques (since it will not conduct a charge) it must be controlled in a different way. ESD ionization is the most popular way to do this. ESD Ionization is used to flood the surface with a multitude of positive and negative air molecules, yielding a near neutral state to that insulator, hence controlling its charge state. Another method of control would be to topically treat the insulator with a conductive or dissipative coating, such as paint or Reztore™ topical anti-stat. This later solution is not always wanted as it changes the electrical properties of the insulator which may not be desirable (if you are using it as a high voltage standoff, etc.).
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