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Question A few years ago, I remember see something about as ESD bag tester.  I believe the unit operated like a stapler, and mesasured the surface continuity.  Are these still available?
Answer No. We are not aware of the availability of such a bag tester.

ANSI/ESD S20.20 states that Packaging be per ANSI/ESD S541. Note, both these documents are available at no charge from


Test methods specified in ANSI/ESD S541 include ANSI/ESD STM11.11 to measure surface resistance in the dissipative range, and ANSI/ESD STM11.31 to calculate energy penetration.


The Shielding test per STM11.31 requires extensive equipment including an ESD simulator, oscilloscope, current probe, capacitive probe, and computer programming to calculate the energy (nanoJoules) penetrating a 8” by 10” bag after subjecting it to a 1,000 volt discharge. The facility has this equipment and if you will send them six 8” by 10” bags, they can provide you a written report.


Note: ESD TR53-2006 Compliance Verification of ESD Protective Equipment and Materials is specified by ANSI/ESD S20.20 as the test method for Compliance Verification, however currently there is no Packaging section. The ESD Association Compliance Verification working group WG-53 is currently working on adding a Packaging section.

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