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Question If the floor itself is properly grounded or ESD mats are used and technicians are wearing working foot straps, is there still a necessity for wrist straps and if so, why? - Vincent , Bell Communications, Cincinnati, OH
Answer In this situation, wrist straps would be recommended if the operators were unable to keep in constant contact with the floor, such as while seated at a workbench (because the feet may be lifted off the ESD floor). If mats are used and an operator is handling ESDS devices off the mat (and the main floor is not ESD grounded) then the devices are in danger of ESD. If the ESD floor is kept clean, the electricals tested often and are kept within spec, the personnel wear ESD protective foot wear (foot grounders, shoes, etc.) and regularly test themselves and are within spec and at least one foot remains on the floor then wrist straps are not necessary. Foot wear in conjunction with a grounded ESD floor is used for mobile personnel that handle ESDS devices. At a workstation, wrist straps are generally used to “bullet proof” the control program.
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