- Designed as working surface mat, can be used as a colourful floor mat
- Dual-layer rubber, static dissipative coloured side or conductive black side
- Rg: 106 to 108 ohms tested per IEC 61340-4-1 meets EN 61340-5-1 flooring limit
Rp-p: 106 to 109 ohms tested per IEC 61340-4-1
Rg: 106 to 108 ohms meets EN 61340-5-1
Abrasion: 5N (ISO 4649, method A): less than 200E3 mm
Chemical (EN 423): resistant to cleaning agents normally used for maintenance
Hardness (ISO 7619): 85 ± 5 shore A
Weight: 2.7 kg/m2
Colours: Dark Grey
"If flooring Is used for grounding personnel that handle ESDS [ESD sensitive items] refer to the system requirements In Table 2.[Person/footwear/flooring system Rg < 3,5 x 107 ohms OR Rg < 1.0 x 109 ohms and body voltage < 100 V]" [EN 61340-5-1 Edition 1.0 2007-08 EPA requirements Table 3 Notes 4 & 5]
"The use of floor materials to control personnel or equipment generated static has a number of benefits. Floor materials tend to be passive. Employees who work in areas protected with floor materials simply need to wear and test the appropriate footwear. They do not need to implement any additional actions themselves to assure that the floor material is functioning properly.
Floor materials, particularly floor coverings, finishes, and coatings, can be applied or installed throughout the work environment providing a broad area of control rather than isolated control at individual workstations. They improve the mobility of personnel who work in the environment. Finally, floor materials can help control static on trolleys or other mobile equipment if properly grounded." [CLC/TR 61340-5-2:2008 User guide clause Benefits of floor materials]
Due to variations in computer monitor displays, color shown may not be exact. For true accurate color, please request an actual sample.