203606-BAG, CONDUCTIVE, 200MM x 305MM 100/PK

203606-BAG, CONDUCTIVE, 200MM x 305MM 100/PK              

203606 - Conductive Black Bag, 200mm x 305mm, 100 EA

Internet List Price Email List Price
Qty: 1 $24.62
Qty: 1 $27.08

In-stock orders will ship in 3 business days or less after receipt of order.

20 In Stock.

Other Quantities - Contact Us.

Sold Per: 100PK

Gross Weight2: 0.90 kg

2The weight listed is gross product weight including standard packaging, actual shipment weight may vary.


Country Of Origin: UNITED KINGDOM

Tariff No: 39232100


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  • Tough, puncture resistant, often re-used
  • Made of linear polyethylene with carbon added, 0.07mm thick
  • RS 1 x 102 to < 1 x 105 ohms per IEC 61340-2-3

  • Heat sealable, recyclable
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  • 203531 - Conductive Black Bags

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